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December 18, 2010 15:39:04
Look at us! Having fun at a disco Smile in the hotel!

December 16, 2010 15:57:27
Привет, Оксана!

спасибо тебе огромное за поездку, ты - умничка! Такая замечательная организация и столько позитивных эмоции!

переписываюсь с Дэвидом и с Яном по своей почте хотела бы поехать и в феврале ещё раз.

Катя из Санкт Петербурга


Hello, Oksana.

Thank you for very much for a trip – you just super! Such a wonderful organization and so much positive emotions!

I am talking to David and Yan through my e-mail, I would like to go back in February once again and hopefully with complete success.

Katherine from Saint Petersburg


November 18, 2010 22:59:32
Hi Oksana!

How are you?

I wish to thank you so much for a fantastic week on the tour in Punta Cana.

I had a great time and I so wish I could have stayed forever. Everyone was very friendly. Yelena and yourself were excellent hosts and I am extremely glad to have met you both.

I hope you had a safe journey home and I hope the girls also had a pleasant journey.

Albina is a fantastic lady and I am looking forward to continuing our relationship and visiting her soon..

Thank again for everything and hope to meet again one day.



October 17, 2010 02:46:10
спасибо огромное Оксана за такой классный отдых!!!! Пунта Кана настолько романтичное место, и просто идеальное место для встречи со своей любовью. Я бы никогда и не могла представить что наши отношения с Яном разовьютса и вспыхнут настолько быстро. Твоя идея для пары встречатьса в таком романтичном тропическом месте как Пунта Кана - просто генеальная идея!

Особенное спасибо за моего Яна!!!


Thank you very much Oksana for such a wonderful vacation!!! Punta Cana is such a romantic place, and just an ideal place for meeting your love of your life. I could never imagine that our relationship with Yan would develop so fast as it happened in Punta Cana. Your idea for a couple to meet in such a romantic tropical place as Punta Cana – just a genius idea! For Yan to make this afford to make such romantic vacation for both of us – made me see him as a very romantic man, who cares about me.

Very special thanks for my Yan, he is everything I could dream of!!!


June 1, 2010 04:24:40
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