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Наши счастливые девушки и их мужчины, нашедшие своё счастье и любовь с помощью OksanaLove

Оксана, привет дорогуша!!! Спасибо тебе огромноеза организацию поездки в Пунта Кану! Отдохнули мы конечно супер, мне здесь пол страны завидуют....уже две мои подружайки зарегистрировались

Hello Oxana,
To let you know. Elena and I are now engaged.
I did not have much time left to file for a marriage license in Almaty.
A trip to Almaty was wonderful. Without your help could not possible to meet with Elena. ....


Thank you for all your help to meet my Lyudmila!

The trip back to USA was fine, although I got stuck in the Chicago airport for
awhile due to bad weather which was of course no fun. And of course I
really enjoyed my trip there. ...


спасибо огромное Оксана за такой классный отдых!!!! Пунта Кана настолько романтичное место, и просто идеальное место для встречи со своей любовью.....

Thank you very much Oksana for such a wonderful vacation!!! Punta Cana is such a romantic place, and just an ideal place for meeting your love of your life....

Dear Elena and Oksana
I am so grateful for meeting Valeriya through your agency.  She is the sweetest, most wonderful lady I have ever met.  We hit it off right away.  She is also very smart along with being very beautiful.  I very much appreciate your agency for helping me meet Valeriya.  I am a very lucky person for it!  Thank you so very much,  


Привет, Оксана!

спасибо тебе огромное за поездку, ты - умничка! Такая замечательная организация и столько позитивных эмоции!......

Hello, Oksana.

Thank you for very much for a trip – you just super! Such a wonderful organization and so much positive emotions!.......


Привет Оксана!
Долетели до Киева весело. Я в Париже в самолете пролила на свои бежевые
брюки красное вино. Потом в Киеве выяснили, что 5 из 7 наших чемонадов в
Париже перегрузить не успели. Эти два события стали поводом для приколов


Hello Oksana,

Thank you for your help and for such a wonderful site. I know I have found my dream girl, all that’s left is the date to seal the deal!!! ha ha

Your team rocks Oksana, all


Oksana! Ya tol’ko chto vernulas’ domoi iz Punta Cani. Bolshoe tebe spasibo i ogromnii rahmet za to chto tak klasno organizovala poesdky v Dominikany. Osobenaya blagodarnost za moego Glena :-). Eto voobshe unikalnaya lichnost!On mne segodnya zvonil i skazal o tom chto skuchaet. Konechno ety dni bili nezabivaemie v nashey jizni! Spasibo tebe esho ras Oksanochka!


Hi Everyone
I made it back home.
I wanted to let everyone know I had a great time spending the past 6 days with all of you, I will now rest and try to recover. My stomach is sore from laughing. Thank you for this great experience, Oksana.

I think every guy needs to go to Punta Cana to meet his Russian fiancee vs. traveling all the way to Russia. This is a man with experience talking who had done both.

Veronika has now immigrated to Australia.

I just wanted to write a testimonial for Oksana Boichenko of Oksanalove.com and DateCruise.com.

When I had decided to look for a relationship abroad, I did some research to try to determine which of the many sites would be best to use. I chose Oksana’s website after speaking with her and noticing the extra care and concern she seemed to have in matching people up with someone who would truly make them happy. It appeared she did this not only as a job but because she genuinely wanted to help people find true love. I knew the qualities I was looking for and relayed them to Oksana. She worked diligently to find someone who matched everything that I was looking for.

First of all, I want all readers of this testimonial to know that I volunteered to write it. I'm just a middle class guy, not a public relations pro or promoter. My words come from my heart and experiences in Punta Cana and nothing else. I believe in giving credit where it's due and I also want others to possibly experience the happiness that I did in one short week.
Somehow one Sunday afternoon, I found my way onto Oksana's website and within 5 minutes found my soul mate. I know how that sounds because I'm as big a skeptic as anyone but as heaven is my witness, that's what happened.
Я очень счастлива!!!

Два года назад я попала на сайт «Oksana Love». Как и все мечтала о достойном мужчине.

После первого неудачного знакомства я отказалась писать другим мужчинам и совсем перестала заходить    сайт.

Мне 46 лет – я уже ни во что не верила! Решила посвятить себя сыну, его будущей семье.

Thanks for the hospitality and flexibility of the program you offer in Punta Cana. After a few months of communication and two last minute flights to see irina, I met a true love. Irina and I were offered a great atmosphere to concentrate on each other and fall in love. The villa, location, and care that you and your staff provide are top notch.
Hello Oksana!
I just wanted to thank you and your Mom again for such a wonderful vacation and the chance to meet the love of my life. I knew that after the two months of corresponding with my lady that once I met her it was meant to be. Thank you for providing the absolute best atmosphere in the spectacular villa you have now!!
I will admit that at first I was a bit sceptical regarding the possibility that I could meet my "dream girl" on this website. Although, this was my thinking at the time I went ahead and flew to Punta Cana.
Hello, Oksana
Having just returned from Punta Cana, i thought it right that i should let people know of what to expect on such a wonderful trip. I know that everybodies experience will be different but if you make the effort you will not forget the wonderful time you will have. The villa is exception with great rooms and atmosphere, the girls are as lovly as there pictures and you can be rest assured of a friendly warming welcome. The idylic setting just off the beach is just pere perfection and the people are all very welcoming throughout the resort.

hi oksana,

i am truly thankful that i found your web site and so very very much grateful for you and making my dreams come true. i know me and irina have so much still to do as documents , but i told you before i feel this is it , meaning i found my love and i feel irina found hers too ! all of this is because of you...that is why i gave you that painting of the clown, that paintings meaning is you care for people and helping them find each other, fall in love, and become a married couple. the center of the painting is YOU(the clown) and all the balloons are all the lifes you care for, that you take each balloon(a woman) and bring another balloon(a man) and bring them together to find each other better with the hope of a future. many colors are many kinds of personalities.

oksana you should be proud of what your doing and i know it is a wonderful thing of you, such a big heart, caring person, and doing randon acts of kindness...thank you !!


Hi Oksana,

My flight back from Punta Ca was pretty good. The connection through Miami was easy and my friends delivered my car to the airport, so I was home by 12:30 in the morning even with a delay in Miami. How was your flight?

I was sad to leave such a nice group of people. Maybe I should quit my job and work for you in Punta Cana as a cabana boy ;^)

My previous relationship was a 17 year engagement – that’s correct – 17 year engagement. I do not have an explanation for why we never married – we just didn’t. That relationship ended in September of 2008. Shortly after the split I posted a profile on Yahoo Personals – essentially on whim. Shortly after that I received a letter from a somewhat attractive “lady” named Lana. Long story short Lana was suppose to be from Philadelphia PA but her emails were being sent from Lugansk, Ukraine. Luckily I realized this was a scam/set up before I got scammed – I started doing research on internet dating scams and quickly found this article ( www.oksanalove.com/Lugansk_Ukraine.htm )by Oksana Boichenko which ultimate lead me to her site www.oksanalove.com.
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