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Наши счастливые девушки и их мужчины, нашедшие своё счастье и любовь с помощью OksanaLove
I took the Discovery tour in February 2003 and was a little skeptical of the whole thing. My fears became even more of a reality when I got to Germany and our guide (Oksana) was not there to meet us. There had been an accident of some sort and she was delayed. But when we arrived in Almaty there was someone there to meet us and take us to our Hotel. My fears were easing. So I went to the first social and met some of the ladies I had been talking with. One stood out from all the rest! I still "had to attend the rest of the socials." My special one that "stood out" was patient with me at least! So after all the socials I had pretty much decided who was the one for me! Now it was time to find out if she felt the same. As it turns out she did! My story is a story of Love and success. I am engaged, and awaiting the love of my life to arrive so that I can start my life with her! My Mila is everything and I could have asked for and more, she makes my heart skip a beat and my pulse quicken. So, I would recommend this tour to anyone! It has changed my life! Erase your fears, take the leap! You will be pleasantly surprised! I was! It has changed my life and made me look forward to starting a new life with a women I adore and who adores me.... Call Oksana and make the arrangements! Its worth it! Guy Price Jacksonville, Florida CJAGJAX@aol.com
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